2PM’s Taecyeon Tweets A Picture of His Lucky Charm


2PM’s Taecyeon has tweeted a picture of a lucky charm he received.

On May 31, Taecyeon tweeted, “I received a lucky charm!! Bad spirits go away!! Let there only be a ton of good fortune!! Hehe.”

 [  액땜부적받았어요!! 악귀야 물러가라!! 올해는 이제 좋은일만 가득하길!!히히 ]

Included was a close-up of Taecyeon’s face while he held his lucky talisman in his mouth

Netizens commented by saying, “I hope the charm works well!”, “Yes, only good fortunes now!” and “When will 2PM return?”Considering Taecyeon’s recent misfortunes, we’re hoping the charm will work for him too!

[Source + Photo  Taecyeon’s Twitter @taecool ]

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