2PM's Nichkhun involved in minor accident due to drunk driving + license suspended


On July 24th (KST) at 3:30AM, Nichkhun was driving on school property road in Gangnam and was in an accident. Nichkhun rear-ended a motorcyclist while driving under the influence.

At the time, Nichkhun's alcohol level was at 0.056%. As a result, his driver's license has been suspended.

About this situation, a representative of the Gangnam police station stated, "Measuring his alcohol level at the scene of the accident, he (Nichkhun) was not in a severely intoxicated state. After, Nichkhun and the victim were investigated by the police."

It was reported that no one was injured at the scene and there was no serious damage to either vehicle.

The representative said, "Neither Nichkhun nor the victim was injured in this minor accident. Both vehicles were insured. After his inspection, he took measures to return home safely."

[Source: Dispatch via Nate]