TEEN TOP members new ‘traffic light’ hairstyles


 TEEN TOP revealed their new ‘traffic light’ hairstyles on their me2day account, attracting attention for the colorful new look.

In the picture of Changjo, Chunji, and Ricky have their backs turned to the camera, showing off their red, yellow, and blue hair. Niel left a cute quiz for fans along with the picture: “What did Changjo, Chunji hyung, and Ricky’s hair colors immediately make me think of? Hint !! 1. The Olympic flag 2. A traffic light. You have ‘sense’ if you get it right!”

Netizens responded, “I think the answer is 2. A traffic light. So from now on I have ‘sense’,” “Rather than paying attention to their hair color, I just want to hug them from behind,” and “Creative Niel, thinking of a traffic light after looking their hair.”

TEEN TOP will be revealing their new single ‘Be Ma Girl‘ on August 3rd, so the picture has been making fans curious about each of the boys’ looks for their comeback.

[Source official TEENTOP of me2day]