New the boys group 24K (투포케이) releases debut MV "Hurry Up"


Rookie the group 24K (투포케) has finally released their debut music video for “Hurry Up” (빨리와)

Previously debuting 4 members of the group as subunit 4K back in June with “Rocking Girl,”it was revealed that they would actually be debuting as a 6-membered group, 24K. With member profiles being revealed throughout August, the new group consists of 2 dancers and 4 vocalists Cory, Sukjoon, Sungoh, Kisoo, Byungho, and Daeil.

2K (hip hop) and 4K (acoustic band) to form dance group 24K. The group consists of two “prodigy dancers” and four vocalists and promises to showcase immense talent.

With teasers showing off 24K’s dynamic appeal in various musical genres being released, their debut track, “Hurry Up,” is an uptempo electronic track that is sure to excite fans.