Super Junior’s Leeteuk starts his army service today

Super Junior’s  Leeteuk and Mighty Mouth’s Sang Choo start their army service today.

Leeteuk will say goodbye to reporters and his fans before entering the boot camp. To see him off, all Super Junior members will come with Leeteuk. Because Super Junior are popular all over the world, many overseas fans are expected to be there.

Sang Choo is also entering the boot camp on the same day. Shorry, another member of Mighty Mouth, will come to the boot camp to see him off.

On October 30 at around 7:00 a.m., Sang Choo tweeted, “I’ll take care of myself well! I feel so happy now. It was great to see that there are so many people who care about me and love me. I could also look back into my life, reflect on myself, and realize how valuable every moment was. I tried to spent this month well not to regret. I’m Mr. energizer Sang Choo! I Love You! Please take care of Shorry and Duck&Chichen! Sang Choo is coming back soon!”

Sang Choo also uploaded a picture of himself with Leeteuk on his Twitter account with the comment, “Leeteuk and Sang Choo, Everything has become a reality now. Let’s smile.”

They’re both entering the 306 boot camp on October 30, receiving basic military training, they will serve in the army for 21 months.

They were allowed to work as public service workers at first, but they decided to serve in the army as full-time soldiers after receiving hospital treatment.

[Source  by TVReport ]