f(x)'s Amber revealed dance with EXO-M's Kris perform a 'kkap' version of EXO's 'Growl'

The duo are featured in f(x)'s Amber reveals latest his Instagram video which captioned, "Kkap 'Growl' ft. Kris's jacket." The two of them originally spell out "E-X-O" with their hands, while Amber wears Kris' jacket.
f(x)'s Amber then continues to dance to parts of the "Growl" choreography a bit normal at first, but when Kris passes by, she starts up the 'kkap'. (f (x)의 엠버는 처음에는 약간 정상 "으르렁"안무의 일부에 춤을 계속하지만, 크리스가 지나갈 때, 그녀는 시작 'kkap'을.) ^^ll