U-KISS members Dongho leaves the group

A the sudden news of Dongho's departure from U-KISS, fans have been looking for possible signs that he was unhappy as an idol star., Dongho will be leaving group U-KISS..

NH Media announced on October 16, "Dongho expressed that he wanted to live a normal life rather than that of a celebrity." The agency also added that the other U-KISS members have accepted his wishes and will be going on to promote their upcoming album as six without him.

"Starting from the beginning of this year, Dongho's determination about being active as a celebrity weakened, and he has revealed that he doesn't believe his health condition and stamina fit well with the life of a singer... After a long discussion with his parents, we have decided to accept their decision... Dongho expressed that he wanted to live a normal life rather than that of a celebrity."

After discussing the matter with Dongho and his parents, we have decided to accept their decision. Although it was not an easy decision as it may affect the group, the members have all decided to accept the change.”


" 올해 초 부터는 동호 의유명 인사 가 약화 로서 활동 것에 대해 결정 하고, 그는 자신의 건강 상태와 체력가수생활에 잘 맞지 믿지 않는 것으로 나타났습니다 ... 와긴 토론 후 그의 부모는 , 우리는 그들의 결정을 수용 하기로 결정했습니다 ... 동호 는 그가 오히려연예인 보다평범한 삶 을 살고 싶다고 표명했다. "

동호 와 그의 부모와 함께 이 문제를 논의 후에, 우리는 그들의 결정 을 수락 하기로 결정했습니다 . 이그룹 에 영향을 미칠 수 있으므로 그것은쉬운 결정이 아니었지만 ,회원은 모든변경 사항을 적용 하기로 결정했습니다 . "