JYJ's Junsu, Jaejoong and Yoochun revealed Video for 2014 Happy Valentine’s Day (해피 발렌타인 데이)

  2014 Happy Valentine's Day from JYJ

In celebration of Valentine’s Day this year, JYJ posted a video for fans on their official YouTube channel on February 13.

The three members appeared to be confused about Valentine’s Day in Korea, stating that they had not participated in the event for a long time. Initially, Junsu declared confidently that boys give chocolates to girls on February 14, but this was later clarified by Yoochun. In Korea, girls give chocolates to boys on February 14, and a month later on White Day, March 14, boys give girls candy in return.

Jaejoong said that it was Valentine’s Day, and although there was nothing they could do for fans, they prepared their individual magazine covers for the third edition of the JYJ magazine.

Yoochun did his shoot in Busan. The members commented that it looked like a movie poster. Junsu said, “Yoochun went to Busan to film for Sea Fog with the sunbae-nims. He really looked like a sailor. Another way of putting this is that you’ve given up on the visuals to become a movie man.”

The members discussed speaking in Japanese compared to speaking in Korean when talking to their fans. While the JYJ members are fairly proficient in Japanese, they say that speaking in Korean allows them to express themselves freely and more naturally.

JYJ celebrated their 10th anniversary on December 26, 2013. Yoochun expressed his desire for the group to continue in the same way, so that even after 30 years passes, they would still remain together. Jaejoong reaffirmed his words, saying that, “Even though we may be doing different things in different places, we will remain as one.”

The group Junsu (Xia), Jaejoong and Yoochun ended with their Valentine’s Day wishes for fans! Happy Valentine’s Day!