April will be the battle of EXO, INFINITE, B2ST and 2PM, Plan on Comebacks

   April Will Be the Battle of Boy Groups as EXO, Infinite, Beast, and 2PM Plan on Comebacks

April will be the battle of boy groups as EXO, Infinite, Beast, 2PM all plan to make their comeback in the same month.

EXO will be making their comeback in mid April as it was announced that the group would be holding their showcase on April 15. Although the group promoted as one whole group last year through hit songs “Wolf” and “Growl,” this month’s comeback will one again have the group split in to two groups..

EXO-K and EXO-M the two units will promote the upcoming mini album simultaneously in Korea and China, EXO fans can expect to see a comeback performance with all 12 members as SM Entertainment commented that the group will perform as a whole for one to two weeks. EXO’s comeback will be the group’s first album since their special Christmas album released four month ago.

INFINITE also teased their fans about their upcoming comeback during their Korean encore concert on February 28. During the concert,the group revealed a special comeback preview video that announced their April comeback. Surprised fans expressed their excitement at the unexpected news. Although Infinite’s Woohyun is currently promoting his new song “Delicious” with SHINee‘s Key through their duo unit, Toheart, Infinite fans can expect to see the group perform as a whole very soon. Infinite’s April comeback will be the groups first album since the release of their single, “Destiny,” back in July 2013.

B2ST (BEAST) had previously revealed that along with their Japanese promotional tour, the group aimed at releasing a new album in April. Despite the vague details regarding Beast’s comeback, fans have been anticipating the melody and choreography the members would showcase in their new song. The release of the new album will be the group’s first album since the release of their second full album, “Hard to Love, How to Love,” which was also released back in July 2013.

After constantly denying comeback news, 2PM’s Wooyoung finally confirmed that 2PM would be making their comeback in mid April. With the news that the group’s new song was created by a foreign composer and produced by member Jun.K, 2PM fans can expect a new concept and style. Previously it was reported that 2PM experienced a fire accident on the set of their new music video, which thankfully resulted in no injuries.

If you’ve had fun watching the girl group battles, brace yourselves for the boy group battles that will take place in Apri.2014l!


보이그룹 비스트와 인피니트, 엑소가 4월 출격 소식을 알리며 치열한 경쟁을 예고했다.

엑소는 4월 15일 서울 잠실 실내체육관에서 컴백 쇼케이스를 개최하며 본격적인 활동에 나선다. 12월 스페셜 앨범 ‘12월의 기적’ 이후 약 4개월만의 활동이다.

한편 인피니트도 지난 28일(금) 열린 단독 콘서트에서 앙코르 무대를 앞두고 영상을 통해4월 컴백을 예고했다. 비스트 또한 일본 프로모션 투어와 함께 4월 말 발표를 목표로 한 새 앨범 준비를 병행 중인 것으로 알려졌다.

이처럼 인기 아이돌 보이그룹 3팀이 한꺼번에 4월 컴백소식을 알리면서 누가 고지를 선점할지 팬들의 관심이 뜨겁다.

소녀시대-2NE1-포미닛 등 걸그룹의 왕좌 대결에 이어 4월에는 가요계에 어떤 바람이 불지 귀추가 주목된다.