B2ST (비스트) release Music video for Japanese track “Adrenaline”

BEAST Releases MV for Japanese Track “Adrenaline”

B2ST has release the full music video for their new Japanese track “Adrenaline” has been released on YouTube.

The in music video with concept is simple, with the members dancing in black in white rooms, they looks like they have having a lot of fun dancing to this pop-rock styled track.

The single is will be released next week on May 28. A second track track “B.I.B” will also be included in the single.

비스트는 새로운 트랙 "아드레날린"유튜브에 공개 된 일본어의 전체 뮤직 비디오를 공개했다.

개념의 뮤직 비디오는이 팝 - 록 스타일의 곡으로 재미있는 춤을 많이 갖는이 같은 멤버는 흰색 방에서 검은 색으로 춤, 써니 보이는 간단합니다.