SHINee’s Onew recently underwent throat surgery.currently recovering


SM Entertainment has announced to the local media that SHINee member Onew recently have underwent surgery for removal of vocal polyps and vocal fold mucosa reconstruction on June 3 and is currently recovering. He was released from the hospital and is resting at home.

SM Entertainment elaborated, “There is no effect on his daily life, and he is receiving treatment as an outpatient.”

Due to this surgery and recovery, Onew was unable to join the rest of the SHINee member when they left for Brazil on June 5 to film for KBS’ “Music Bank,” as well as being unable to join the musical “Singin’ in the Rain” as originally planned.

SM엔터테이인먼트 한 관계자는 “온유가 지난 3일 서울의 한 병원에서 성대 폴립 제거 및 성대 점막 복원술을 받았다. 현재는 퇴원해 휴식 중이다”라고 밝혔다.

이 관계자는 온유의 상태에 대해서는 “일상 생활에는 지장이 없으며, 당분간 통원치료를 받을 예정”이라고 설명했다.

이에 따라 온유는 KBS 2TV ‘뮤직뱅크 in 브라질’과 뮤지컬 ‘싱잉인더레인’에 출연하지 못하게 됐다. 앞서 지난 5일 온유를 제외한 샤이니 멤버들은 ‘뮤직뱅크’ 촬영을 위해 브라질로 출국했으며, ‘싱잉인더레인’ 역시 같은 날 온유가 없는 상태에서 공연이 시작됐다.